Friday, June 26, 2015

One Giant Misstep for Mankind

Regarding the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, justice Anthony Kennedy was a Ronald Reagan appointee. He must surely be "rolling over in his grave" right now - just as much as this decision causes my stomach to turn. Justice David Souter, another Republican appointee from the first Bush administration, carefully timed his retirement to allow Obama to appoint another liberal justice to the court.

Did it ever occur to either of these justices that the people overwhelmingly elected a Republican president at the time and thus expressed a desire for conservative justices on the Supreme Court? Why did Souter wait for Obama and not retire under Bush? This raises my blood pressure a couple of notches when I think about it.

However, the Court can only hold back the tide of majority opinion for a short time, as the ruling today proves. Unfortunately the majority in America has turned against unchangeable truth and taken the next step on its pathway to apostasy and depravity.

First let me say that I don't judge anyone; our Supreme Judge will decide our eternal destiny - not based on our sins which may be forgiven - but based on our acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord.

So for the record, I regard all same-sex relationships simply as friendships whose intimate details I would prefer to remain private, and I will never endorse or render services for a ceremony that sanctifies practices the Bible clearly calls sin. Furthermore, I will do everything in my power to peacefully oppose those who would use the power of government to force me or my Christian brethren to do so. I would go to jail before giving up my right to hold and express this opinion and freely practice my faith.

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