Sunday, January 15, 2012

Genesis 1 - Vision of the Beginning

As I mentioned in my post "The Incredible Expanding Universe", Genesis chapter 1 records the revelation of the creation of the universe (the Heavens and the Earth).  It had to be a revelation because there was no eye-witness to record the events.

To add to the parallels between the first and last books of the Bible, the vision in Genesis 1 is from the perspective of Earth.  The vision in Revelation is from the perspective of Heaven.  We easily accept that Revelation is a vision because it is written in first person by the Apostle John and presented as a vision.  We easily accept that John recorded the events he saw but did not fully understand.

What many Christians do not understand or easily accept is that the creation account was also a vision and recorded as God gave its revelation to the author.  If I could subtitle this chapter I would call it "The Revelation to Moses".  However, the style and purpose of Genesis was not prophetic, but legal in nature.  It was establishing the foundation upon which God would build the Law of Moses, or the Torah.  Thus, there is no first-person awe-struck emotion in the account - it is very plain and purposeful.

The thing that I find most inspiring about the creation account is that, from the perspective of an observer on Earth, the account is clearly and completely in harmony with the order of the fossil records and geological records available to us today.  The chance of anyone recording a vision of this nature without a revelation from the Creator is virtually zero.

Before Beginning
Before I expound on the amazing truth of Genesis 1, let me explain why I am fascinated and passionate about this subject.  I was an atheist for most of my childhood, probably because I was taught to be skeptical by the public education system and by the information I got from television and print media.

So strict seven-day "Young Earth" creation theology was a stumbling block to me.  It was also a stumbling block to my father and many others very close to me.  Most educated people who go through life accepting what they are taught believe the Theory of Evolution, which directly contradicts the creation account and the divinity of the Creator.  When I finally accepted the Bible as inspired by the Word of God, I felt compelled to reconcile the obvious contradictions in the "traditional" understanding of Genesis chapter 1 with abundant physical evidence of an older Earth.

The Theory of Evolution as put forth by Charles Darwin is based on a Naturalist philosophy.  This philosophy says that there is no "supernatural" force and everything in nature has an explanation based on physical laws of nature.  This philosophy gave birth to some really evil implementations, such as Marxism and the madness of Adolph Hitler's Nazi party.  I want to remove this stumbling block for you who wish to believe the Bible, because the creation account should reinforce rather than contradict your faith in God.

The purpose of this post is to present the creation account in a way that a scientifically-minded person can accept, and in the process refute the view that there is no Creator or supernatural force behind this majestic work of creation.

In the Beginning
The beginning of the universe is a mystery to everyone, including those who think they understand it, because only God could bring into being in an instant of time, from things not visible, both the infinity of space and time.  Scientists refer to this as "the Singularity" or the "Big Bang", with no logical explanation of how or why.  By every mathematical and astronomical method of dating, this event occurred at least 11 billion years ago.  Virtually all scientists today believe it happened about 13.7 billion years ago, based on estimates of how long it took the light from the most distant stars to arrive at Earth.  Many scientists, including Christian astronomer Hugh Ross, think they have a concept of the initial nanoseconds of this event, but I would caution about delving too far into the vain speculation of men.  I have no idea if the mathematical and scientific basis of this theory is accurate, but even if the estimated age of the universe were off by several orders of magnitude, it is apparent that the universe is much older than the historical understanding of Genesis would indicate.

Genesis 1:1 simply states that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  There is no further explanation in Genesis, but the Epistle to the Hebrews expounds on this:

"By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible." (Hebrews 11:3)

This part must be accepted by faith, because there is no way for a human mind to comprehend what it means to exist outside the context of space and time.  I accept this by faith, however long ago that may be.  By purposely giving no explanation, the Bible is uniquely accurate in describing this as a singular and miraculous event.

The Earth Became Formless
Genesis 1:2 describes a dark, formless earth covered by deep waters.  This is consistent with our understanding of the earliest days of Earth, where the hot and heavily carbon-laden atmosphere would completely obscure the light of the Sun.  The Earth could have remained in this condition like Venus and other gas-shrouded planets, but for the next act of creation:

"And God said let there be light, and there was light.  God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness".

Now instead of a dark heavy fog, there is light fog (day) and dark fog (night). The next verse is where it gets really interesting. "There was evening and there was morning, one day." Note that the literal interpretation is missing one key element - the Sun. That is not apparent until the fourth day. This is one reason I believe the creation account is based on a vision and not a literal scientific description of the process. The Sun is not mentioned at this point in the vision. Literally, there would be no basis for the first three solar days without the Sun. However this would be totally consistent with a vision of the acts of creation from the surface of the earth.

The Fog Is Lifted
In the second act of creation, God separates the waters above from the waters below. In the vision there is a clear space between the clouds above and the waters covering the Earth.  Space is not visible yet since the atmosphere is still covered by dense clouds. Once again the order of creation is consistent with science.

The third act of creation gets even more interesting to me. God causes dry land to appear, probably causing some massive tectonic shifting of plates on the surface of the earth. You can see the way the mountain ranges are bunched together when you fly over them or look at pictures from satellites. During this day, or vision of the day, God creates plant life. The author does not mention microbial life, which could be seen in fossils from this period of time. That is totally understandable since he would not see this in the vision without a microscope, and describing that to the nation of Israel would be pointless at that time in history. But it is fascinating that geological evidence indicates oxygen-producing plant life came significantly before oxygen-consuming animal life. That is further astonishing evidence of the inspiration of this account.

Also fascinating is that this abundance of vegetation is used by God to absorb the massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere and create the oxygen and food which is essential for animal life.  This part of the vision corresponds to what scientists call the Pre-Cambrian time.  During that time the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was apparently thousands of times higher than it is today.

Creatures Above and Below
In the fourth act of creation God reveals deep space; the Sun, the Moon, and the stars appear.  The plant life which was abundant and flourishing in the carbon-rich atmosphere has now absorbed enough CO2 and created enough oxygen to support animate life.

In the fifth act God creates creatures of the sea and the birds of the sky.  This day God creates what scientists have called the "Cambrian Explosion", an event which baffled even Charles Darwin.  How did this vast variety of creatures come into existence instantly from a geological perspective?  (God knows.)  Note that the account describes the creation of fish and then birds before mammals, another key point that makes this account statistically impossible without divine revelation.

The Final Acts of Creation
The final act of creation is the creation of land animals, culminating in the creation of man in God's image, male and female.  Notice that even here, the order of creation is consistent with the fossil record.

Finally, on the seventh day God rests.  This is one of the basic legal teachings of the first chapter of Genesis, that God rests after six days of work, that man is created in God's image, and therefore man should have a day of rest.  As Jesus said, "The Sabbath was created for man".  So really the last thing created in the creation account was the Sabbath.

The Key Points
As the first book of the Law of Moses, the creation account establishes many important legal principles.
  1. The universe is a special creation of God. (Gen 1:1)  It has a beginning, and therefore a purpose.
  2. Light is good, and separate from darkness (which is by inference not good.) (Gen 1:4)
  3. God's Word is all-powerful.
  4. Creatures are blessed to hear and obey God's Word. (Gen 1:22)
  5. Mankind is a special, divine creation made in God's image (Gen 1:26).  Thus human life is sacred.
  6. Mankind has authority over every living creature on earth. ( Gen 1:26, 28)
  7. God's creation was good and pleasing to Him. (Gen 1:31)
  8. God's creation of the universe is complete. (Gen 2:1)
  9. God works, and God rests.  (Gen 2:1-2)
  10. The seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest which is sanctified (holy) and set apart as a day of rest and worship. (Gen 2:3)
  11. By inference, mankind is to be Godly, because he is made in God's image and likeness and is made to work and rest in the pattern established by God. (Gen 2:3)
None of these principals are changed by the literal meaning of a "day" in Genesis 1. God could have created everything in seven consecutive solar days, but evidence suggests that these days were separated by great lengths of time if indeed they are solar days in our sense of time. I do not believe in evolution or that God created heaven and earth through some background evolutionary processes. I do believe that the acts of creation were indeed miraculous acts of God's sovereign power.

The important thing to remember when reconciling the creation account with scientific evidence, is that God's Word is more trustworthy than science.  If scientists discover something new tomorrow and/or refute something they believed yesterday, that doesn't change the truth of God's Word. The Bible encourages us to pray both with our mind and our spiritWe are not trying to defeat science but use it to more fully understand the Truth.

Finally, as Paul said there are "mysteries kept hidden for ages and generations, which have been revealed to the saints." (Colossians 1:26)  Perhaps now in these last days, in the midst of this massive increase in knowledge, the mystery of creation is also being revealed.  That possibility may say more about the present and future than it says about the past.  My next post on the subject of visions will deal with the Revelation to John the Apostle.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Incredible Expanding Universe

January 7 at midnight was a perfect night in the Houston area; the almost-full moon directly overhead was casting heavenly moon-shadows on the ground, and the clear sky was accompanied by a remarkably mild temperature for mid-January, even in Houston.

As I gazed in wonder at the stars, I couldn't help but think about how large the universe is, and how little we understand about the nature of God.  The night before I spent a few hours reading about how scientists measure the distance to the stars, and the theory of relativity.  I'm naturally a skeptic so I don't accept scientific theories without at least attempting to understand them.  How little I understand about physics pales in comparison to how little we all understand about God.

Being a skeptic, I also don't easily accept anybody's interpretation of scriptures without studying and at least attempting to understand in my own mind and spirit.  As a result, I have studied the most mysterious parts of the Bible at great length.  So, rather than being puzzled about these passages, my understanding now supports my belief.

So now I want to share with you what I am learning, if perhaps it can help you understand and overcome your own skepticism.  Specifically I want to talk about the creation account in Genesis  and the apocalyptic vision of Revelation.  These two topics are quite large and will probably require several posts to cover each, even from my limited understanding.

Let be begin by giving you some wonderful insight into parallels and contrasts between the two books.

Genesis begins with a vision of the beginning of time.  Revelation ends with a vision of the end of time.  (I don't believe either author fully understood what he witnessed, but recorded the vision as it was given.)

In the beginning, creation is spoken into existence through the power of God's word.  In the end, the enemy is destroyed by the power of God's word (the sword coming out of his mouth in Rev 19:21 is the Word of God).

In Genesis Adam is placed in a garden.  In Revelation the saints worship in a city.  In the Garden, man is innocent. In the Heavenly City the saints are redeemed. There is no return to innocence.  As Winkie Pratney once said, "God is a progressive God."

In the middle of both the Garden of Eden and the Heavenly City you will find the Tree of Life (Gen 2:9, Rev 22:2).  Adam and Eve never ate from the Tree of Life or they would be eternally sinful, as Satan is.

The purpose of the creation account in Genesis was to establish the principals upon which the Law would be based.  Genesis is the first book of the Hebrew Torah, the five books of the Law of Moses.

The purpose of the Revelation was to warn the saints of the things yet to come; that we would heed the warnings and guard the prophecy as one would guard a valuable treasure.  Revelation is the last book of prophecy in the Christian Bible.

Paul said that there are mysteries in the Bible hidden even from the "principalities and authorities in heavenly places."  God granted the Church to make known His manifold wisdom which had been "hidden for ages" (Ephesians 3).  I believe there are still mysteries to be revealed, and we won't fully understand these mysteries until "we know as we are known."

One of these mysteries is the incredible expanding universe that God has "stretched forth in the heavens".  Mankind continues to learn more about the size and character of the universe through powerful telescopes and sophisticated mathematical analysis.  The universe we can detect is unimaginably large, yet most scientists believe it started as an unimaginably small, unimaginably dense object that exploded something like 14 billion years ago to form everything that exists.

OK, so here's a question I can't answer: if we can detect stars 13.5 billion light years away, that means that it took that radiation almost the entire age of the universe to get here.  That means those stars either started out near where they appear to be, or travelled at near-light-speed to get there.  The former would contradict the Big Bang Theory; the latter would challenge the Theory of Relativity.  And where are they now, 13.5 billion years later?  I might need to spend some time with an astronomer, but I suspect there are more questions than there are plausible answers.  So it remains a mystery to me, and I suspect that at the end of this line of futile speculation is a mass of human foolishness.

At any rate, this very large universe causes me to reflect on the awesome and unknowable majesty of God, and to realize how much we need Jesus to mediate our relationship to God.  This God who created the universe by the power of His Word, stepped into our world from infinite power to become mortal and suffer a brutal and unjust death in our place.  "Amazing love, how can it be, that thou my God shouldst die for me!"

Update January 16
On further reading I found that the Big Bang theory is really mis-nomenclature for an event in which the universe suddenly appeared out of nowhere in an instant, all over the place - not from a single point in space.  That, my friend, sure sounds like God unveiling his majestic creation!

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen. (Heb 11:3)