Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Reforming Republicans

Part of what I hope to accomplish with this little blog is to convince a few Republicans to act and vote more responsibly.  I tried reforming Democrats and found them hopelessly lost in another world-view.

I believe the Federal government has a limited purpose as defined by the US Constitution.  That means the Feds have no business providing things like retirement income and medical care for people (among many other items on the Progressive agenda.)  Retirement is a personal and family responsibility, as is health care except in cases where charitable organizations may fill the gaps.  The sooner we can get the Federal government out of our personal health and finances the better.

So if what I just said outrages you, you are welcome to stop reading because we obviously disagree about the fundamental purpose of government.

There are two things wrong with the Republican agenda that I want to change - the "party line" on tax policy, and "free trade".  I could write a book about either subject and get exactly ZERO readers.  Books need to be written by people with credentials.  Blogs are for people like me.

I've been outraged about deficits since the early days of the Reagan administration.  I thought maybe the Tea Party movement would finally do something about this.  But instead of bargaining with Democrats about spending cuts in exchange for "revenue increases", they drove us to the brink and got exactly NOTHING.  I can't think of anything good to say about that.  Neither party wants to talk about sacrifice unless the other party does the same - I know how that works and they should too.  If you want to bargain by not compromising, you will obtain this result every time, guaranteed.

Free Trade
I think that both parties share the blame, but I expect Republicans to stand up for US interests.  Thus I am constantly disappointed and frustrated with our trade policies.  I can only explain it by either stupidity or corruption, plain and simple.  We simply cannot let the world roll over us any more.  Peter Morici says it better than I; search for this article if you can't find it here:


I sent him an email asking which presidential candidate would stand up for the US against Chinese currency manipulation.  His reply: Only Trump.  The Donald that is.  Sad for me, he isn't running right now.

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