[I have been working on this post for a couple of weeks, but yesterday the pastor of my church made this his sermon topic, which confirmed my conviction on this subject.]
Number 8 on my top 10 list of reasons for a reasonable belief in God is the testimony of His creation.
The heavens are telling of the glory of God
And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.
The more I learn about the universe, the more I appreciate the miraculous Power that crafted it, and the more thankful I am for this little blue speck we call Earth. From the unimaginably large space stretched across an incomprehensible span of time to the intricate anatomy of life, everything we can now observe shouts "MASTERFULLY PLANNED AND CREATED."
Our main problem understanding creation is that our understanding of God is too limited. Simply put, the nature of the Almighty Creator is far beyond human comprehension. Therefore we need to stay a little more flexible on the box we try to put Him in, however big that box may be.
That being said, the Bible does not shrink from extolling the attributes of God and the magnificence of His creation. Even the Name of God is amazing - Yahweh, the One who always IS. There is no time or place where God is NOT. As a matter of fact, God exists outside of time since He created the dimensions of time and space. This is explained as something that we understand only by faith.
By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
About a year ago I discovered a very advanced concept in the original Greek text of this verse. It literally says "the ages (aionas - also translated universe or worlds, from which we get the word "eon") were prepared (katertisthai - crafted to perfection) by the spoken word of God (rhemati Theo), not a phenomenon (phainomenon - made visible), but an act of creation (gegonenai - brought into being - the Greek word from which we get "Genesis"). This verse makes it clear that the things which we can observe through all our scientific tools and reasoning did not just suddenly appear, but were carefully prepared and set in motion for a specific purpose. This is an assurance that is not only incomprehensible without faith, but once understood - reinforces your faith.
The ancient book of Genesis starts out with this unimaginable miracle in the very first verse. The beginning is a concept which I believe encompasses the transition from "timeless" to "the beginning of time" to the eons that elapsed before sunlight first appeared on the surface of the earth. The remainder of the creation account describes the supernatural power of God creating this perfect habitation for mankind.
The creation account establishes many principles of the law (the Torah) such as the sanctity of human life, mankind's accountability to God, and the penalty for sin which is separation from the life-giving power of God. Genesis also contains the first prophetic reference to the promised Savior of mankind, who will "step on the serpent's head". That prophecy is the beginning of the ultimate solution to the problem of evil that was introduced by sin.
The order of the creation account, the beauty of creation, the vast expanse of the heavens and the intricate details of life all testify to the Truth of God. If you have ears to hear, listen closely to the song of creation.