For a number of years I felt compelled to list and explain the reasons why I believe in Jesus my Lord and Savior. I don't have much of a speaking ability but I want to leave this testimony for those who might pass this way. Each of the reasons listed below links to a separate post.
#10: The Futility of NaturalismThe philosophy of Naturalism teaches that everything that happens in the physical world can be explained by the "laws of Nature", i.e. there is no Supernatural agent, and thus no existential purpose in life...You can't fully comprehend the futility of Naturalism until you grasp the meaning of Eternity...(more)
#9: The Undeniable Presence of Evil
The Bible presents heaven and earth as the creation of an all-powerful God, who himself declared it to be good. It also presents the conflict that arises when man pursues independence from God and becomes subject to the power of evil...This human evil - that was introduced by "the original sin" - is unique in creation...(more)
#8: The Declaration of Creation
The more I learn about the universe, the more I appreciate the miraculous Power that crafted it, and the more thankful I am for this little blue speck we call Earth...(more)
Jewish Rabbis and Church Fathers both recognized these prophecies as Messianic, but the fulfillment of these prophecies in the life of Jesus reveal the astonishing surprise ending...(more)
#6: The New Covenant
Number 6 on my top 10 reasons for faith in Jesus is the New Covenant - the covenant of Grace, sealed by the blood of Jesus, which provides the promise of redemption, forgiveness, and eternal life...(more)
#5: The Resurrection
The defining reason why Christians over the millennia have professed faith in Jesus is the resurrection. Without the resurrection there would be no Christian faith...(more)
#4: The Preposterous Gospel of Christ
The gospel message itself is called "foolishness" to the nations of this world, and a "stumbling block" to the Jews whom Christ came to reach first. Of all the improbable ways to start, this kingdom began with the King himself being whipped and hung naked on a cross to suffer and die with criminals...(more)
We are living in the last days. Today Christ the Messiah reigns at the right hand of God in the midst of His enemies. There is a coming day of wrath when Christ will return with the host of heaven to remove His enemies from creation and give eternal peace and joy to the people of God...(more)
#2: The Faith of Our Fathers
Hebrews chapter 11 lists many fathers of our faith, in chronological order, which the author calls a "cloud of witnesses". Their testimony of the faithfulness of God, and the testimony of our Christian heritage provides me with my Number 2 reason for faith in Jesus...(more)
#1: The Holy Spirit in Me
The conviction of the Holy Spirit and the word of faith was breaking down the walls of skepticism and leading me to repentance. I had to accept a lot of things I didn't understand, but felt that I had found the source of life and hope. The truth of this matter is that He found me!...(more)