Monday, July 29, 2013

Seven Shofars and a Shout

In the last few days I learned something about shofars (trumpets made from ram's horns).  In the Bible they are used to lead people into battle.  Sometimes these are spiritual battles, as when the priests blew the shofars to gather the people for fasting and prayer.

In one particular battle, priests blew their shofars once a day for six days to warn the enemy of the coming judgment of God.  The city under siege was Jericho, and the commander of the invading army was Joshua.  On the seventh day, the army marched around Jericho seven times, then blew their shofars seven times, and then when the people shouted God brought down the walls of Jericho by the power of His word.

So it is in the end of time, that the blast of the angel's shofars will pronounce doom on the city of Babylon, which is the dominion of Satan.  Six times the shofars will sound the solemn warnings, and after the seventh blast, with the shout of a great multitude of believers and angels, the Lord will bring down the walls of Satan's kingdom by a great earthquake and by the power of His word.

Indeed, our entry into the eternal kingdom must be preceded by this great battle, in which the promised land is cleansed from all the powers of sin and darkness.  It was an inspiration to me to see this prototyped in the battle of Jericho, to demonstrate the power of God when His people enter the promised land.  Get ready to shout, people of God, and watch the gates of Hell come down!

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Four Seasons of Man

For way longer than I've been around, people have compared their lives to the seasons of the year.  I see parallels in Bible prophecy.

The Four Seasons of Life
Springtime brings new birth, fresh growth, and wonderful awe in the eyes of a young child who has nothing but hope and expectation for the future.  Springtime is bursting with innocence and trust; no doubt or fear is found here.

Summertime brings the fevered heat of adolescence and young adulthood.  Desperate searching for purpose, frantic pursuit of pleasure, and rebellion against authority accompany the lives of young people as they become adults.

Autumn brings a time of settling down; ambitions give way to wealth accumulation and retirement planning. The kids grow up and begin their own families; those in the autumn of their lives are left with an empty nest and silent hallways.  Some in this season of life are overcome by doubt and fear, and enter winter earlier than the rest.

As autumn ends the cold winter wind grows stronger. Our bodies begin to show the process of death that has been at work in us since the beginning of autumn. Winter white dusts whatever hair is left and we realize our own mortality. For those of us with eternal hope, new life grows within our hearts even as the body decays.

The Four Seasons of Man
The kingdom of man also has four seasons.

The first season of man is the age of authority. The people cry "Give us a king to rule over us!"  Peace is guaranteed by the king or the emperor.  One empire overtakes another until the domination of the final empire reaches to the ends of the earth.  Inevitably the worldwide empire becomes overstretched and grows weak from within.  Under worldwide imperial control, organization of a large opposing army is not possible. But discontented mobs and opportunistic gangs finally break through and plunder the lazy, overindulged empire.

In the second season mankind enters the dark ages. Chaos and war is the outgrowth that naturally follows in the wake of the washed-up empire.  In the post-imperial era, warring tribes eventually settle far enough apart or annihilate themselves until they live in isolated cloisters of well protected villages.  Enough of the centralized structure has been decimated to allow independent thinking.  Among those who are literate and have access to the word of God, some discover the concept of grace and liberty.

The third season of man could be called the Age of Reason.  It is characterized by regions that are liberated from the mental and spiritual bonds that remain from the empire, led by those that have found the light of salvation.  The light of salvation and liberty soon leads to increasing knowledge and scientific advancement. Without repression from the state or the church, mankind pushes the boundaries of knowledge to enrich themselves in ways only emperors could previously have known.  This continues until they reach that dreaded time when they declare themselves to be like God.

The fourth season of man begins when the dominion of wealth and knowledge suddenly collapses of its own weight. The tables have instantly turned and specialized intellectual and legal skills become worthless almost overnight.  It is this suddenness that prevents this season from reverting to a tribal warfare cycle. People simply aren't organized enough without the thin fabric of civilization to survive and organize.  Death and disease spread so rapidly that the entire social order is permanently destroyed.  Out of those ashes comes one who brings the final destruction.

Where Are We Now?
If you overlay the four horsemen of Revelation 6 on the four seasons above, you will see where I believe we stand.  The horseman on the white horse is like the springtime of mankind, the red horse like the fiery summer of chaos. The rider on the black horse is like the autumn of enlightenment and wealth, and the final riders like the winter of death.  We stand perilously close to the blasphemy that is the beginning of the end of time.  Is it inevitable that we become puffed up and reject God who has brought us this far, or do we gather together as a body of believers and pray God's mercy back into our fallen world? The end is prophesied, but the timing is not. It may still be possible that another great revival will delay God's wrath again.  Please join me as I pray for that outcome!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Balaam's Error

I have been wandering around the Bible lately studying prophecy.

[Actually I'm surfing around the Biblos Bible Hub web site, which I'm convinced is God's special gift to mankind for these last days.  When else in the history of mankind could a lay person like myself have the best concordances, multiple translations, commentaries, Greek and Hebrew text and dictionary references and more, all available for no charge, only a mouse click away?  History has not always been so kind to Christians seeking the truth.  Roman Catholics authorized by King Henry IV of England burned people at the stake for publishing or translating the Bible.  Thankfully, and owing a huge debt to those who laid down their lives for this privilege, there is a greater opportunity today than ever before for the body of Christ to "rightly divide the word of truth."]

A Canaanite in the House 

So, one verse caught my attention recently:

Every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to the LORD of hosts; and all who sacrifice will come and take of them and boil in them. And there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts in that day.
Zechariah 14:21 NASB

That thing about the Canaanite no longer being in the house of the LORD just didn't quite click.  To be sure, God was totally opposed to the Canaanites from the day Ham walked in on Noah's hangover.  That's another whole topic.

However, Jesus didn't reject the Canaanites.  After all, the disciple Simon the Zealot was also called a Canaanite (Kananaios) in Matthew 10 and Mark 13.  In Matthew 15 a Canaanite woman had such great faith that Jesus healed her daughter.  So, why won't there be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD?

I had two thoughts (maybe equally valid and possibly both true).  First, is the antichrist a Canaanite?  This could be a prophecy about the day when the antichrist no longer stands in the temple and proclaims himself to be God.

The other thought is a bit deeper and less speculative.  The word for Canaanite here is also the Hebrew word for merchant or trader.  I suppose that because they settled on the Mediterranean coast, the Canaanites became traders and thus their name became synonymous with trade.  Some translations read more like "And there will no longer be a trader in the house of the LORD of hosts in that day."

That sheds a whole new light on this verse (and illustrates why you need more than one translation of the Bible when you study deeply).  During the Millennial reign of Christ everything is holy, from the animals to the cooking pots to the people.  There won't be any demand for merchants to sell holy animals and vessels to the people like they were doing when Jesus cleansed the temple.  Merchandising in the temple of God was one thing that made Jesus very, very angry.  Which brings me back to my original topic.

Balaam's Error

But these men revile the things which they do not understand; and the things which they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, by these things they are destroyed. Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.
Jude 1:11-13 NASB

Balaam was a merchant in the house of the Lord.  In other words, he offered his prophetic gifts for money.  Worse, he offered to help the enemies of the Lord and curse God's chosen people for money.  Of course, God wouldn't let him do that.  It didn't help Balaam much to be in direct communication with God because he also consulted demons.  Balaam is on Satan's all-star team because he thought he could profit from being a prophet.  In fact, he was blaspheming the Holy Spirit and bringing a curse on himself.

Notice the term "wandering stars" in the verses above.  The Greek is "asteres planetai".  Asteres is the Greek word for star, from which we get the word "asterisk".  The English word planet comes from the Greek word for "wandering".  Astronomers at the time couldn't figure out why planets didn't stay in the same constellations as the other stars, so they called them "wanderers."

The "error of Balaam" in Greek is "plane".  Basically it is the same Greek root, implying that the error of Balaam was to wander away from his gift and into error.  How many of those gifted by God have gone astray into using their gift for obscene financial rewards - and then because of the love of money have introduced error into their message to maintain or magnify their gains?  Like planets, we will drift slowly away into darkness if we are not under the control of the light of truth.

According to John in the book of Revelation, when Balaam could not pronounce a curse on Israel, he taught the Canaanite king Balak how to weaken Israel by enticing them into idolatry and fornication.

The love of money is indeed the root of all kinds of evil, but when the love of money is mixed in the temple of God, Balaam's error is born.  We must be particularly careful to avoid the many snares that are laid for us by those that follow the error of Balaam.