Previously I posted a quote from Revelation about leaving Babylon. The book of Revelation is really a tale of two cities - Babylon, the city on many waters, and the new Jerusalem, the city on a hill being prepared for the bride of Christ.
Note that from the time of Revelation until now, neither city has been seen. One city, Babylon, was destroyed by the Persians centuries before Christ. The other has yet to be seen on Earth. So both cities have special symbolic meaning.
Babylon represents the world system of power and wealth, the great harlot who sits on many waters, by which the merchants of the world were made rich by the wealth of her trade. It is a worldwide kingdom that spans across time and enslaves its citizens with the deceitfulness of riches. Its ruler is the prince of Babylon, the ruler of this age.
The New Jerusalem is the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness. It is a city not built by human hands, whose center is the Throne of God, from which flow the streams of living water that make glad the city of God. It is built on a foundation of precious stones, the apostles and prophets, and whose cornerstone is Jesus Christ the Lord.
Ancient Babylon was used by God to separate and purify His people. The Jews who returned from Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem left established businesses and perhaps family to restore the temple of God. The ones who stayed in Babylon chose a more worldly Kingdom and lost their godly identity.
This is the choice we as Christians are now presented, to choose which master we will serve, God or Mammon (money). I had for most of my life focused my time and energy on the latter, but I sense God calling me back to focus on Him. The time is short for the kingdom of Babylon, and I feel the need to get oil for my lamp while there is still light. I have more to write on this subject, which I will do as time permits.