Imagine (if you will) you are riding a swift black horse down a winding mountain road. It's been a wonderful ride, and the setting sun is still illumining the golden edges of the canyon beneath you.
At some point you realize that the horse is out of control. You want to turn around, so you pull hard on the reins. The horse does not turn but only accelerates down the road. You are now careening blindly down the road at full gallop when a barrier appears and you see that the end of the road is a steep cliff. You try frantically to turn the horse but it refuses to waiver from its path of destruction.
Almost in slow-motion the horse leaps the barrier and sails into the black void ahead. At this point any more attempts to influence the horse are worthless. Your destiny is sealed.
This is the point we find ourselves. Like the HMS Titanic slipping slowly, then suddenly into the cold dark abyss, this system that supported us is sinking. Whether or not there is time to save it is a moot point for me; my time is too short to waste.
So this weekend I am taking a U-turn of sorts. The Incredible Shrinking Wallet will continue shrinking, but I'm going to focus mostly on the even more incredible Kingdom of God. I would rather focus on preparing for the now-certain future than vainly trying to fix what has already failed.
I don't really know what lies ahead for me, but I have decided to get out of Babylon and return to my Father's kingdom. Thank God, it's a long way, but I think the door is still open!
I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues..." (Rev 18:4)