God is not a bookkeeper, but there are certainly books being kept on each of us, and not just by Google and the credit bureaus.
The book on me contains everything I've done, which is basically a book about my sin, because everything I do (including my righteousness) is as "filthy rags" before God. There is absolutely nothing I could do to zero out this book. There is nothing you could do, or all of us could do together to zero out these books. Add to this debt the infinite debt incurred by all of us, when we rejected His Son and put Him through a most painful and unjust death on the cross. That's a pretty heavy load of debt.
On the other side of the ledger is only one act that can balance the books. That is the sacrifice of the pure and spotless Lamb of God. His blood can cover every line in your book. The good new is - Jesus lives and He forgives. You know in your heart that you could not stand and account for your life before God. Without Jesus we are toast. Only Jesus can get us out of this jam.
Let me share one of my favorite Psalms 130 with you in music.
In this Psalm, verse 4 says "If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is
forgiveness; therefore you are feared.."
God doesn't want to read my book, He just wants to see my heart pumping the blood of Jesus through my veins, giving me new life.
Live in me LORD, and pour out your blessings through me to others! In Jesus name...